I understand your argument and as usual my compliments because you have laid it out clearly. I thik that this is the "ideology" where is now Matt Heimbach (correct me if i'm wrong), i don't think that know Heimbach has become a pure woke communist or antifa leftist (You know him personally and correct me if i'm wrong). My question is this: we have surely to stand for people and not for bankers and entrepreneurs who think of the world only in an economic way, but we have to pay attention because Cultural Marxism has been the woke ideology in these years.......it's the ideology that said: white are all racist, tear down all white monuments and history, immigrants have to replace our culture and the last but not the least the LGBTQ obsession that we have seen in these years. My concern is this.

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Heimbach's politics have bounced around more than mine have. He's retired to private life and I respect that decision and will keep it brief, but he never really became "woke," just more interested in academic leftism than me.

I don't care for the term "Cultural Marxism," as it muddies the taxonomy. Both Marxism and Neoliberalism have secular jewish influences, which is what people are referring to when they refer to "Cultural Marxism."

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You have untied the Gordian Knot of politics!

I became disillusioned with gov handouts because it's very corrupt. 90 cents of every dollar goes to "administrative costs.". They're building themselves huge gov buildings everywhere with 10% for the big guy while people lose their homes because of tax liens.

Gov assistance needs to be administered locally, by locally accountable elected officials. Corruption is the Achilles heel of fiscal leftism.

Also, a true free market as exists without elite thumbs on scales and without gov bailouts, does work best. During the Great Depression, a rich man could lose everything and end up broke. One of the most successful stock pickers, Benjamin Graham, came home from work on October 2, 1929, to find that his wife had put all the furniture on the lawn. She saw the news about the Great crash and thought they had lost everything. Back then when you went broke you got kicked out right away. But of course Benjamin Graham got wealthier than ever and told her to put the furniture back in the house. But that story shows that rich men could lose everything back in those days.

I guess what I really like about MAGA communism is that it would entail expropriation of all these bailed out billionaires. That would be awesome so for that reason alone I supported 100%. Just make me the economics minister.

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A bit off topic but in these intervening years I've had a lot of time to think. When I used to post on forums I would say look black people are beating us with this with sports and Chinese and Indian people are beating us with math and science so we need to get good at sports and get good at math and science so we can compete against these other groups.

I would get pushback that oh we're good enough already we shouldn't have to do all that. Laziness is the white man's coping strategy.

We can't control what the outside world does but we could raise white boys who are star athletes at MIT and Caltech and are also top-level physicists and engineers. That's what winning would look like.

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I hadn't heard about MAGA Communism before reading this. I knew the name Jackson Hinkle vaguely, though because of his good looks I assumed he was just another artificially propped-up "influencer" who had some Peter Thiel-like backer. I guess I'm not paying attention to the Online Right enough.

But wow, aren't times changing and ideologies realigning. Trump and MAGA was always, as I understood it, more at home with the types of people who think "communism" and "socialism" are epithets. Funny to think that communism is now being grafted on to MAGA. I wonder what the Proud Boys would think of this. The old alt-right had some elements which were sympathetic to socialism and communism (which is actually what attracted me to the alt-right, as I was an unmoored ex-Socialist myself who was looking for a home) to it seems to me that MAGA Communism and Jackson Hinkle is really just Tucker Carlson-approved National Bolshevism? What a timeline!

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It seems like the reactionary-elitist, anti-"Third Worldist", capitalist voices on the "dissident right" are becoming a minority. It's not just the "MAGA communists" who are anti-Zionist, anti-capitalist, and pro-White without being "white supremacist" caricatures. It seems to me like it's the majority of voices in our scene these days, aside from a handful of bad apples. Don't get me wrong there are plenty of antisocial spergs around who will say all sorts of hateful and embarrassing things, and there probably always will be, but the thought leaders and prominent voices seem to mostly be on the right track, aside from a handful of bad apples.

The MAGA communism thing is a strange one, that's for sure. White nationalism is anathema to Trump voters but communism isn't? Give me a break. I get that it's kind of a meme, and there's a kernel of wisdom in that Trump's 2016 rhetoric had an economic populist current, but it's a very small kernel. I'll boost the signal when they're right about stuff, which honestly is more often than not, especially with this latest Israel-Palestine conflict, but I don't really see MAGA boomers embracing communism on a mass scale. Maybe that's not the idea, but then why call it that, other than as a joke? We can say the NS brand is so tarnished as to not be worth saving, and that's basically true, but communism is equally beyond repair for the Trump tribe, if not more so.

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