MAGA Communism is a curious, and curiously popular political movement, one that's gone viral in the past few years. Its most prominent proponent is Jackson Hinkle. Hinkle has managed in recent weeks to be the most viral influencer on twitter, outperforming even Elon Musk himself for the top spot.
To be a MAGA Communist requires two elements: claiming to be marxist while claiming to be an American patriot. These claims are not centered in their daily discourse, which focuses on opposing zionism, colonialism, and capitalism. They are, however, load-bearing. These two superficially incompatible cross-beams support a space that's ideologically leftist while socially rightist.
A stated fidelity to "marxism" is garlic to vampires for the reactionary, conservative, and elitist currents within the American Right who preclude the development of a popular, persuasive, and persistent opposition to the west's oligarchs. To the extent that they do preach marxist ideology, it's necessarily limited to favoring anti-oligarch class analysis.
Given that western elites are finance capitalist oligarchs, everybody who opposes them is perhaps a little bit marxist. And while the specific economic theories and models laid out in Kapital are somewhere between obsolete and "not even wrong," marxist historiography is a very accurate lens through which to analyze and theorize about history.
Marxist class analysis is pretty much just Traditionalist caste analysis, but inverted and biased in favor of the fourth, final, non-elite caste. What traditional Traditionalists understand as a degeneration from warrior, clerical, and merchant elites to the "mob" is understood by Marxists as a progression towards liberation from tyrants, bishops, and barons by "the people."
My analysis, I call it "vaportrad," is "symphonic," affirming the general historical process, but understanding the three classes/castes as serving a necessary and noble role in a historical process. Elites can be decadent or derelict, and often are, but they're not intrinsically evil and are not integrally problematic.
In practice, however, Western capitalist oligarchs, the "mercantile elite" at the helm of our "Mercantile Age," have become decadent and derelict. As such, the marxist analysis proves surprisingly resonant and its critique of the West proves remarkably robust. They win arguments, despite all of the anachronisms and errors that come with attempting to apply a largely obsolete and discredited 19th century theoretical framework to 21st century circumstances.
Being ideologically leftist while socially rightist is overpowered in modern discourse because it empowers one to win all of the arguments with robust hard left analysis while winning mass support through being on the correct side of the culture war against alienation, atheism, and degeneracy.
MAGA Communism will continue gaining momentum because it's the only political vanguard with the correct formula: Fighting for faith, family, and folk against zionist colonial capitalism. A cursory scroll through any MAGA Communist's timeline will affirm that they invest most of their time and energy where it counts: opposing western zionists, opposing western colonialism, and opposing western capitalists.
White Nationalism belongs within this framework, and could and should be winning along with them. But with the exception of a handful of nationalist commentators (who are the only successful ones in the culture war), White Nationalists insist on trying to be an elitist, colonialist, and capitalist ideological movement.
The reason for this error has to do with the genealogy of White Identitarian politics in the West. The neoliberal ideological vanguard of the mercantile elites have constructed a dichotomy wherein one is either a People of Color or a People of Colonialism (White).
By analogy to the the Slave Revolt in Saint-Domingue, the Big Whites (White and Jewish elites) are pointing their finger at ourselves, the Little Whites (working class White families), and encouraging the more historically victimized targets of their system of exploitation (non-Whites) to blame and retaliate against the less historically victimized targets of their system (us).
Offering apologetics for colonialism and imperialism is deranged, as the colonial and imperial overlords are still in charge and they've moved on to a neo-colonial, neoliberal ideology and praxis where we're the villains to be targeted for revenge, dispossession, and even ethnic cleansing via The Great Replacement. The majority of the White Nationalist movement aren't nationalists at all, but simple fools arguing for a political order that slates them for extermination.
There has been much grumbling about "third worldists" like myself, with the old guard arguing for our excommunication. The more space the better, and my only regret is that I couldn't bring myself to declare myself a "marxist" or something in order to fully and effective drive the reactionary elitist conservatives far enough away.
MAGA Communism is itself vulnerable to critique, but the critique would necessarily need to come from a robust, Universal Nationalist position that doesn't exist yet and may never coalesce into a proper movement. For the foreseeable future, we'll be internally confounded by buffoons crowing about "might makes right," "friend/enemy distinction," "right of conquest," and "natural aristocracy" within our own camp.
The older I get, the more it appears that the White Identity movement is sort of a tribute band for the golden age where we were junior partners of the cannibal capitalist oligarchs. There's no interest in the future, in finding where White Christian families fit in the 21st century geopolitical picture. They just want to play the greatest hits and reminisce about when they got to ride shotgun with the mercantile capitalist power process.
If there is hope, it lies in the proles.
A bit off topic but in these intervening years I've had a lot of time to think. When I used to post on forums I would say look black people are beating us with this with sports and Chinese and Indian people are beating us with math and science so we need to get good at sports and get good at math and science so we can compete against these other groups.
I would get pushback that oh we're good enough already we shouldn't have to do all that. Laziness is the white man's coping strategy.
We can't control what the outside world does but we could raise white boys who are star athletes at MIT and Caltech and are also top-level physicists and engineers. That's what winning would look like.
You have untied the Gordian Knot of politics!
I became disillusioned with gov handouts because it's very corrupt. 90 cents of every dollar goes to "administrative costs.". They're building themselves huge gov buildings everywhere with 10% for the big guy while people lose their homes because of tax liens.
Gov assistance needs to be administered locally, by locally accountable elected officials. Corruption is the Achilles heel of fiscal leftism.
Also, a true free market as exists without elite thumbs on scales and without gov bailouts, does work best. During the Great Depression, a rich man could lose everything and end up broke. One of the most successful stock pickers, Benjamin Graham, came home from work on October 2, 1929, to find that his wife had put all the furniture on the lawn. She saw the news about the Great crash and thought they had lost everything. Back then when you went broke you got kicked out right away. But of course Benjamin Graham got wealthier than ever and told her to put the furniture back in the house. But that story shows that rich men could lose everything back in those days.
I guess what I really like about MAGA communism is that it would entail expropriation of all these bailed out billionaires. That would be awesome so for that reason alone I supported 100%. Just make me the economics minister.