“Nationalists should be nationalists for the nation they’re nationalisming in.”

One of the first speeches of theirs was from that McKevitt guy. I remember there was a point in it where he said something like a small group of determined people (NJP) could change history etc. He then brought up the 20th century Germans: wild applause. He mentioned the 18th Century Americans: laughter.

That’s when I’d personally seen enough.

I’m pressing S. & uhh... RIPBozos

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Jan 6, 2024
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Well that’s an interesting theory, but to be fair they provide a lot of excuses without instruction from anyone else lmao

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OK, jew.

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No u

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I am Dr. Johnson, and you are a liar.

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Jan 10, 2024Edited
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This is a lie: "He has instructed the CC gang (including Gaddius and Endeavour) to attack them on every opportunity using any excuse."

Moreover, you put words in quotes that I literally did not say, as you went on to prove with the transcript. Another lie.

Shameful, but par for the course for TRS and Russia shills.

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The "Traitors" section is interesting. Personally, as someone who is white but has more recent European ancestors (and thus dual citizen with a European country), I am probably less loyal to America than someone who is descended entirely from founding stock and has only known North America for centuries. This is even more pronounced in someone like Striker, who didn't even have both parents born in America. I think that probably contributes to some of his anti-Americanism. Although that may be unfair, as many other TRS/NJP guys seem to have that vibe as well. I do think it was strongest in him though.

It does seem difficult to strike a balance between recognizing the problems of the American experiment while not becoming anti-American people. Is it as simple as making sure to delineate between the state and the folk? For example, would you consider the term "post-American" inherently problematic?

Of course, this issue becomes even more complicated when creating a political vehicle that is supposed to appeal to Americans while being highly critical of our current system. Maybe people are becoming disillusioned enough with the regime that this will be easier than I expect though.

I remember Jefferson Lee on Keith Woods' end of 2022 stream saying that he had gone through an anti-American phase, that really we're all European, etc. before coming back around to America as a unique ethnicity that is worth advocating for. I think I may be on a similar thought trajectory.

Rambly but you're getting the gears turning in my brain, Matt. Very good summary of the situation.

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Interesting to hear your perspective.

I always thought TRS would go the same way as National Alliance did, meaning once their biggest activists retired (or more morbidly, died) their organization would fall apart. In my view, they were self-aware of this, and NJP was their attempt to create something that would last beyond themselves, and it was poorly constructed, and a misdirection from what they did best: shock jock radio.

Though your point is noted on how they've delved further and further into their own echo chamber, and haven't had relevant memes in quite some time. What year did the triple parenthesis come out lol?

White identity has exploded in the last decade, but this comes from an equal explosion of anti-white sentiment, both expressed culturally and institutionally, and expressed more explicitly than ever.

So there's a dynamic white activists must understand: things will get worse for America and whites in America, as everything deteriorates and demographics decline, and this will make it easier to sell white identity talking points. Is this inherently good? Is this inherently bad? It's kind of a mixed bag. But it's the reality we have to live with.

I think activists should do what they can, while they can, and know there will always be new activists who come up, long after they're gone. And so while it would be nice to have real, concrete infrastructure that lasts beyond a single person's career, it's not necessary to make an impact on the next generation of activists :3

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1) The sole issue impeding NJP's growth was a complete and targeted ban from both traditional and social media. You couldn't share a link to TRS, NJP, Justice Report, etc without the URL being rejected. There was a blanket media ban on us, even on the local level, while much smaller and sillier groups waving Swastikas would get primetime coverage. There were even Jews on the left who commented that the media blackout on NJP was extremely strange.

2) My dispute with people like Joel Davis was that he was relentlessly trying to instigate infighting between NJP and Patriot Front, despite the fact that behind scenes we have generally good relations. Some top Patriot Front organizers are even my close personal friends for years. Neither you or Joel Davis are members of Patriot Front and should stop trying to use them as some sort of cudgel to settle some silly personal score against us.

When he decided to throw in with the Nick Fuentes crowd, I respectfully and politely told him I could not work with him anymore. Fuentes has openly admitted, several times, that his purpose is to undermine TRS and NJP ("wignats") and prevent young people from "ruining their lives" by joining our groups.

Furthermore, Fuentes promotes adult men having sex with minors on his show, and seems to turn a blind eye when conservative fixers connecting him with publicity opportunities are flagrantly trying to molest boys in his group. I don't want to be associated with that personally, but I told Joel he was free to do whatever he wants and it's none of my business. He took this as a personal affront, despite me being amicable, and has been attacking me ever since.

3) My political criticism of Keith Woods is that he does not support any methods for transforming social media engagement, which elites have learned to ignore, into real world revolutionary political organizing.

His sole innovation in this realm has been to become the face of the small, explicitly anti-fascist, Israel-friendly, libertarian tendency inside the National Party in Ireland that illegally removed Justin Barrett (according to the coup leaders, one of the reasons is he would not cede to controlled opposition groups cropping up in Ireland and once quoted Hitler). The outcome of this decision is that Irish courts have decertified the National Party, effectively destroying the party by banning it from competing electorally. The lawsuit Barrett has filed against Keith's criminal usurper faction is almost certain to be decided in Barrett's way as he has all the documentation, evidence and laws in his favor.

Further criticism of Keith is that he continues to declare Twitter and Elon Musk as free speech messiahs, despite the fact that every pro-white activist and intellectual of note has been banned from the platform. He largely pretends this isn't happening or makes Musk-friendly excuses when the outcome of the "BanTheADL" campaign was exactly as we warned: that the ADL would exercise even more control over Twitter. Keith and co can say I deserve to have my political ideas stifled for being a "Nazi," but why is Jared Taylor banned? Kevin MacDonald? Tom Sunic?

Ultimately, what you are doing is promoting feelingism without doctrine or a plan. It's amorphous jelly composed of barely political internet antics that you are inviting us to try and nail to a wall. On the one hand, Keith and his circle rightfully criticize Bronze Age Pervert for promoting colorblind patriotism, but at the same time, Keith's social media profiles are nothing but him positively amplifying center-right pro open borders figures like Elon Musk and non-white cartoon characters like Vivek Ramaswamy, Zionist controlled think-tank conservatives like Christopher Rufo and Richard Hanania, while simultaneously, his telegram feed is nothing but him promoting openly subversive Jews like Norman Finklestein, Nathan Cofnas, Ubersoy, and so on.

The last part is the most concerning to me, since he is effectively lifting the gate we have carefully erected since 2016 against fraternizing and collaborating with Jews, which anyone with knowledge of politics or history knows full well is the first step towards being coopted. Keith has a special responsibility here because he is, for whatever reason, (and no, I'm not calling him a "fed"), the only white nationalist in the world allowed to have a large platform on social media.

Ultimately, this is part of a broader trend on the online right, where people have given up and are embracing "elite theory." All this does is allow our enemies on both the left and right to dictate the terms of discourse, which effectively makes what we are doing useless. Anatoly Karlin and Richard Hanania are the most extreme supporters of this, but the tendency has been seeping into our world as well. This is the logic of a prison "Prag" from the HBO prison show Oz: instead of fighting to the death against the bigger inmates trying to butt rape you, broker a deal with one of them and let him have your booty in exchange for protection and Little Debbies snackcakes. This half-way, "give no opinion on World War II and its conclusion when explaining modern day America other than definitely don't say anything good about Hitler," mode of thinking doesn't comprehend that the last stop on the road you are on is, at best, pathetic displays like Javier Milei and Giorgia Meloni.

The white masses are more ready for a radically new political vehicle than ever before. The problem is that we live in a highly repressive police state that deploys censorship, FBI harassment, economic destruction, controlled opposition, fake news and opposition research, and so on to discredit, defame, and destroy any pro-white that tries to organize this energy into something genuinely capable of political change.

As for the claim of trying to cargo cult German Nazism from the 1930s in America, this is false. I was very strict on avoiding the trappings (uniforms, armbands, swastikas, etc) Third Reich fetishists and instead taking the valuable intellectual and strategic kernels of the only movement in modern Aryan history to wrestle power from a system identical to the one oppressing us today. I have even written an American pedigree for non-LARP Nationalsocialist ideas, with references to Huey Long, Ezra Pound, Tom Watson, and George Wallace.

I will say from personal experience that everywhere NJP went, the white people did not reject us, they enthusiastically embraced us. We have even recruited random people into our organization. The reason the system would not allow a single NJP protest to be shown, while allowing actual Third Reich fetishists to occupy the airwaves, is that they feared that our message would be very popular.

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You're no longer in your higher-up echo chamber of habitually paranoid weasels, so this elaborate head canon of yours about how Keith Woods is bought and controlled by Jewish power brokers is no longer a good look.

Do yourself a favor and rebuild your brand with quality research on what specific Jews and Zionists are doing here and now. You excel at that, and it makes a big impact.

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But, like, actual research, and not a bunch of assumptions and suspicions linked together with red yarn like you're doing with your movement infighting hobby.

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That's it, that's your response to my post?

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1. Organizations fall under different rules than independent commentators on all the platforms. It's been like that for a while, and the way to work around it is to work with rather than against independent commentators.

Independent commentators did try to work with you, but NJP couldn't work with anybody independent and weren't smart enough to prop up somebody who looks independent.

2. NJP started it with PF. You know that and will admit that. Joel and I keep bringing them up because it's such decisive proof of how destructive your project was. It even came after PF, with zero provocation, a project that famously stays in its lane.

As for Keith "throwing in with the Nick Fuentes crowd," this is just more of you projecting your attitude onto others. You demanded that Keith, a foreigner, choose between you and Nick. He chose to remain independent and friendly to both, so you threw a tantrum and publicly attacked him.

You're being an ass. Simple as.

I have nothing to do with Nick, so you can save it in the reply to this.

3. Your claim that Keith is the face of Israel-friendly conservatism is deranged. Pull it together. If you're on drugs, get off of them. If you're not, maybe you need to get on some.

4. Your claim that you're the only one with an ideology and a plan, and the rest of us are prison bitches wrapped up in "feelingsism" is silly. We have ideas and plans and they're working better than yours at the moment, so some humility is in order.

What's really absurd is that even as you were bad jacketing Keith on your shows and telegram, he was appealing to Elon to unban NJP accounts. And you have the nerve to be all like, "Keith and co can say I deserve to have my political ideas stifled for being a "Nazi," but..." as if he's out to get you.

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Unrelated, but could you repost that article you wrote about Explore Talent? It used to be on the NJP site. Thanks.

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I am not here to bash a former party but your comments about the anti America views in general really hit home with me. I speak about this on The Political Cesspool a lot. My heroes are George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Davy Crockett, Robert E. Lee, Andrew Jackson etc…… These men and hundreds of men like them in our nation’s past are my ancestors as well as the ancestors of the likes of Jared Taylor and many other people in our movement as well as our nation. If others in our movement think Russia or Germany are superior cultures and the places to be, then these people should move there. But staying here and constantly bashing Anglo Saxons, Protestants, the Founding Fathers, etc…. is doing the rest of us here more harm than good. It is gratuitous and selfish. Courtney from Alabama

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Robert E. Lee is a hero. He fought against Ammurrica.

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First i'll say I've listened to Striker on multiple platforms over the yrs & usually enjoy & agree w/ most of his points. His 'Justice Report' articles are first rate. I can't praise him enough on his ability to expose our enemies. I've never seen anyone else in our sphere do anything like it.

But I don't get why any hardcore anti-Zionist would criticize ppl who are promoting Norman Finkelsteins work?

I don't believe anyone does a better job of explaining the Israel-Palestine conflict. He goes for the throat, unlike Chomsky. His book on the Holocaust Industry. Destroying Dershowitz. And no one in the media cares about Finkelsteins views unless its on Israel & the MidEast. Sure he is useless in other political areas but he's not your typical liberal Jew.

He ripped a Jewish-Zionist college girl for "crying crocodile tears" over the Holocaust. At the end of a documentary that talked about accusations of him being a Self-Hating Jew, he was asked if he had any last comment to his detractors. He looked dead at the camera & threw up a 'Sieg Heil'. Finkelstein obviously isnt 'our guy' but I'd encourage anyone who wants to learn about Israels history of attrocities to listen to his speeches & read his books.

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bible thumping hicks are worse than jews because they worship jews. the end. america was always horrible.

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I read this and I think “is any of this really worth it?”.

Maybe I should have left you alone in the first place!

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"Apparently a woman in NJP was the girlfriend of another inmate who believed an inmate “snitched” on her own inmate."

So..... did you ask as to whether there was evidence of this? Because if there was, betraying your race is bad, actually.

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