Mystery Meat Guide to White Identity Politics
How to respond to the large and growing pro-White mob
Your beloved grandfather was Jewish. Your cherished “abuelita” inspired your faith behind your conservative politics. Your hard-working Indian parents immigrated to America before you were born, and while you love your family and heritage, you identify strongly as an American. You’re Black, and you see what woke politics has done to your community.
I say “mystery meat” not to insult you but to cast a sufficiently wide net. For whatever reason, you aren’t simply “White” and are increasingly uncomfortable in conservative spaces that have been hijacked by the new identity politics of White Nationalism. Your replies are packed with people who aren’t disagreeing what what you said, but what you are.
It feels unfair, and—to be fair—it is unfair to you. You did everything right, believe the right things, and yet everything is taking a nasty tribal turn against you. One response is to throw your hands up and accept that the left was right about the right this entire time. These people are all closeted racists who are playing you for a sucker, right?
No. Most of these people weren’t even racialized a few months ago. They were driven into that attitude by the woke left. Once ostracized for being White, they’ve been “radicalized” by the correct information that the government, academia, media, and society are all systemically anti-White. Eventually, they’re driven to take the leap from being anti-woke to being White Nationalists.
They feel cornered and threatened because they are cornered and threatened on account of their race. Begin with empathy and common ground. Can you blame them for rallying to the flag of their Whiteness given how pervasive woke ideology against them has become? If you do entirely blame them and you can’t relate, then you’re in for a bad time, as this phenomenon will only gain traction in the coming years.
The most effective response to this mob is one I don’t see very often, but which works like a charm: enclavism. Tell them that you fully support their Freedom of Association to move to new residential subdivisions with restrictive racial, religious, ethnic, or fraternal covenants. With this one weird trick, you achieve the moral high ground without agreeing to go back to Africa or wherever.
The problem with these White Nationalists choking up your replies isn’t that they’re pro-White and complaining about anti-White bias. It’s that they have given very little thought to the policy consequences of those opinions, and what little thought they’ve given is generally bad. Their responses will range from deporting all non-Whites to disenfranchising everybody who doesn’t pass a DNA test to splitting the United States up and then mass deporting people to their designated racial zone.
You don’t morally discredit White Nationalists by challenging their identity. In fact, doing that is what drives its growth. Their weakest point is that they’re morally contemptible fantasists with no constructive answers to any of the questions they raise. By answering them with enclavism, you put them on the defensive, as you’re acknowledging their right to exist, their right to their own private spaces, and their right to opt out of multicultural mass society. But you’re not forfeiting on your own dignity, legitimacy, or rights, either.
The Civil Rights Act and subsequent rulings and precedents currently don’t permit White people to opt out of diversity. The federal government actively targets White communities with population transfers in the form of refugees, government housing, and even busloads of illegal dropped off in the middle of the night. And this situation is only getting worse, which will make the Whites even more angry.
The Civil Rights Act must be revisited, with an eye towards restoring Freedom of Association, and it will be in the coming decades. White Identitarians aren’t the only people who would benefit from a relaxation of housing regulations. A wide variety of immigrant and religious communities would benefit from being able to define their own distinct spaces—all necessarily new construction to ensure nobody is forced to move unfairly.
Perhaps you belong to one of these immigrant communities that has a vibrant and thriving parallel community within America, while still being American. Under the current anti-White government, this privilege is denied to Whites, with selective enforcement. According to HUD, if an apartment complex is 100% Sikh, then it’s 100% diverse, while an apartment complex that’s 100% White is 0% diverse: a problem to be solved.
By staking out an enclavist position in opposition to the Civil Rights and Woke system, you’ll be achieving more in dialectical and political terms for White Americans than the morally self-discrediting and delusional leaders of the White Nationalist movement. You’ll also be reinforcing rather than undermining your own claim to American citizenship, standing up for the religious and individual liberties at the foundation of the American experiment.
If you plan to continue being a public voice in American politics, and you don’t plan on being a libtard, then it would serve you well to set aside the time to learn how to oppose the civil rights roots of wokeness. A handful of useful starting points:
Age of Entitlement, by Christopher Caldwell
The Origins of Woke, by Richard Hanania
Neighborhood Freedom Amendment, by Matt Parrott
Armed with this information, you’ll have the footing to go on the offensive against the radical left without taking friendly fire from the large and growing pro-White community on the right. There will still be some, and there will be more and more in the coming years, but the enclavist answer is correct, both morally and practically. The more they’ll try to argue against it, the more they’ll morally and practically discredit themselves.
I agree Matt..We need a realistic, logical, winning message that is easily understandable. One that doesn't scare ppl. Too many ppl want to start with totalitarianism & then 'Win Hearts & Minds'. There's a huge difference between promoting Diversity thru academia, media & Hollywood and with telling ppl who honestly support 95% of our visi
on that "We don't want your support because your data & social media dating history just doesn't match our standards".
Also acknowledge mixed-race couples with or without children. There are plenty of people in mixed-race marriages (Chris Rufo being the famous example; there are many others) who are redpilled, pro-white, or otherwise on our side, but are wary of speaking out for fear of the "racemixing" epithet. I don't believe racemixing should be promoted like it is, but I also don't think we should judge others in the romantic department either. Candace Owens and Michelle Malkin are welcome in my enclave.